CODEVCO Solutions Informatiques est une société basée à Saint Julien de Concelles - 44450, qui rayonne sur le département de la Loire Atlantique.

Nous sommes spécialisés dans la maintenance et le dépannage informatique, sur site ou à distance, ainsi que dans la réparation de smartphones et tablettes.

Nous proposons de multiples solutions afin de rendre plus efficace votre informatique. Nous pouvons également vous proposer des solutions de sauvegardes, de virtualisation et des sites internet.


14 Place de l'Europe | 44450 Saint Julien de Concelles

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Ouvert Mardi et jeudi 09:00 - 12:30 / 16:00 - 18:30 et mercredi et vendredi 09:00 - 12:30 / 13:00 - 18:30
Samedi 09:00 - 12:00
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Just who to Alert After Marital life

Whether you choose to change your name following marriage or not, there are various entities you will have to notify with regards to your new position. Among them happen to be your place of work, HM Income and Persuits, the DRIVER AND VEHICLE LICENSING AUTHORITY and your doctors. You will also very likely want to update your treat on virtually any checks, bank details and credit cards records. You should request trained copies of your marriage certificate to give to entities as many will relate to the SSA for confirmation.

You may also want to consider adding your spouse to your health insurance plan, in cases where that is not previously the case. The majority of health insurance corporations will only let you make this type of alter within a specific time frame after a “qualifying event”, such as receiving married, so it is best to act quickly.

You will also want to consider incorporating your financial accounts or starting joint types, depending on your individual preferences. Make sure you discuss these kinds of decisions thoroughly with your significant other to ensure that virtually any changes is made are in the best interest. Additionally, it is a good idea to consider reviewing the estate planning documents, such as wills and trusts, to add your spouse in any existing documents or to create fresh ones, if possible. You may also ought to update any kind of beneficiaries in your life insurance, automotive and job policies. Lastly, you will probably want to keep an eye in your credit score because marriage could lead to commingling of money and may also cause a drop in one or perhaps both of your scores.
